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Little Sleepers´ BLOG

Annika Brindley
Feb 4
The Life Lessons Hidden in Independent Sleep
One of the earliest and most impactful lessons in independence comes from learning how to sleep. Independent sleep isn’t just about sleep —i

Annika Brindley
Nov 25, 2024
Help! My Toddler Escaped the Travel Crib: Vacation Survival 101
You planned the perfect getaway and packed the snacks, toys, and trusty travel crib. But when you think you've got bedtime under control, yo

Annika Brindley
May 11, 2024
"Understanding the Toddler Shoe Battle: Tips for Getting Your Little One to Wear Their Shoes"
Welcome to the intriguing world of toddler development, where each day is a journey of discovery and growth! Today, we delve into a topic...

Annika Brindley
Oct 6, 2023
Tips on How to Manage Toddler Tantrums
I always say that I have mad respect for toddlers. They are incredible. They are intelligent, savvy, and have a vocabulary, and the best...

Annika Brindley
Sep 12, 2023
School, Sickness & Getting Your Child's Sleep Back on Track
Did you travel over the Summer? Was it smooth sailing, only to hit a massive sick storm upon re-entry? Maybe your child had to sleep in a...

Annika Brindley
Jul 27, 2023
How to Help Your Toddler & Baby Sleep During a Thunderstorm
Before Reading tips on how to help your toddler and baby sleep during a thunderstorm, let's review some facts about thunderstorms and...

Annika Brindley
Mar 22, 2023
Does Your Baby Have a Tongue Tie?
Lily is the Mother of the sweetest six-month-old baby named Mia. She is a member of a fantastic group of parents I coach in my Little...

Annika Brindley
Mar 20, 2023
The Top Five Items You Need For Your Baby's Nursery And Why You Need Them!
Setting up your baby's nursery can be exciting. The need to nest, the urge to clean, organize and prepare, becomes stronger as the...

Annika Brindley
Feb 22, 2023
Help, My Toddler is Climbing Out of Their Crib!
One of the most common childhood problems is when your smart and savvy toddler decides to climb out of their crib. Even the best sleeper...

Annika Brindley
Feb 19, 2023
Is it too Late to Sleep Train my Toddler? Tips To Help You Get Your Toddler Sleep Through The Night
If you're like most parents, getting your toddler to sleep through the night can seem like a daunting task. However, there are some...

Annika Brindley
Jan 30, 2023
Tips on How to Prevent a Diaper From Leaking at Night
Does your baby or toddler's diaper leak at night no matter what you do or what brand of diaper you buy? Every parent has experienced...

Annika Brindley
Dec 30, 2022
Powerful Steps to Change Your Life in 2023!
Change is an important part of life. Embracing change and new challenges can help us to grow and adapt to new situations. However, it is...

Annika Brindley
Nov 30, 2022
How to Get Your Child's Sleep Back on Track After Travel & Sickness
Did you travel for the Thanksgiving holidays? Did everything look like it was going well, but then your child skipped a nap on your...

Annika Brindley
Oct 19, 2022
Tips For the End of Daylight Saving Time for Children
It is that dreaded time of year again! Sunday, November 6th, 2022, @ 2:00 am, is the END OF DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. Why is it such a...

Annika Brindley
Sep 29, 2022
Things every parent should know about sleep training their baby before they begin.
When it comes to sleep training your baby, there is a lot of information and opinions out there. This can make it very difficult for...

Annika Brindley
Aug 29, 2022
Is Your Toddler Not Eating Well? Tried and True Strategies to Turn Things Around
If you're struggling with toddler feeding battles, you're not alone. Everything you've tried doesn't seem to be working, and you're...

Annika Brindley
Aug 29, 2022
Tips for Getting Your Toddler Out the Door - Tantrum Free and On Time!
Are you struggling to get your toddler out the door in the morning? Does he or she have a meltdown when it's time to get dressed, eat...

Annika Brindley
Jul 27, 2022
Introducing Your Baby to Solid Food
Introducing your baby to solid food is an exciting milestone for parents but can also be a little daunting. There is so much information...

Annika Brindley
Jun 14, 2022
When and How to Ditch Your Kids Pacifier!
Do you have a little one who uses a Pacifier? Perhaps you call it a Binky, Dummy, Wubby, Nuk-Nuk, Chubby, Bo-Bo, or Plugger? No matter...

Annika Brindley
May 18, 2022
Should My Children Share a Room?
Are you considering having your children share a room? There are advantages and disadvantages when sharing a room with a sibling. It's a...

Annika Brindley
Apr 6, 2022
When should my Toddler stop taking a Nap?
Three-year-olds are not only full of energy but full of spunk and a decent vocabulary! They love to explore their surroundings, interact...

Annika Brindley
Apr 6, 2022
Naps and Feeding Schedules from 0 to 24 Months
Many clients of my sleep consulting practice ask about the best schedule for feeding, naps, and bedtime for their babies ages 0-24...

Annika Brindley
Mar 7, 2022
Overcoming a toddler sleep regression: Annika interviews a client who did it
My client, Sarina, is the mother of a wonderful toddler named Tessa. After sleep training with me at 16 weeks, Tessa was a brilliant...

Annika Brindley
Mar 4, 2022
What is a Toddler Sleep Regression?
What is a toddler sleep regression? A sudden change in your toddler’s sleeping habits has you wondering what the heck is going on. If...

Annika Brindley
Jan 31, 2022
Three Pesky Sleep Derailers - Poop, Pee & Teeth
POOP It is typically not a big issue if a baby poops while he is sleeping. Your baby is still little, producing baby poop, and is...

Annika Brindley
Dec 22, 2021
What Should My Baby and Toddler Wear to Sleep at Night in the Colder Months?
The weather is turning cold these days, and many parents wonder how best to keep their children warm at night. Keeping your baby warm at...

Annika Brindley
Dec 9, 2021
Holiday Family Visit and Sleep
Most children do not get their room whenever you travel or visit family, especially if you have a big family with Aunts and Uncles and...

Annika Brindley
Nov 15, 2021
Tips on How to Enjoy and Navigate a Late Thanksgiving Dinner with Your Family & Your Baby.
"My in-laws are having Thanksgiving dinner right at our baby's bedtime. We feel stressed because we want to be with the family for this...

Annika Brindley
Nov 15, 2021
Should I Sleep Train My Baby Before the Holidays?
You and your baby are beyond sleep deprived, and you are ready to sleep-train your baby; but, the holidays are just around the corner....

Annika Brindley
Oct 7, 2021
"Drowsy but Awake" - The Myth About Getting Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night
By the time a baby is three months old, many parents have already read or combed through multiple baby sleep books in search of answers...

Annika Brindley
Aug 11, 2021
Ways To Beat The Heat With Your Baby and Toddler
August can be a sweltering month for children in the heat. Many places around the globe are experiencing a heat wave of epic proportions!...

Annika Brindley
Jul 20, 2021
Babies Falling Asleep with Music
Many people ask me if it is ok to have their baby or child fall asleep to music playing. While I do not recommend playing music, having...

Annika Brindley
Jun 23, 2021
Understanding Infant Sleep and Sleep Crutches
It is bedtime, and, with a pit in your stomach, you begin your finely choreographed routine to get your baby to sleep. After bathing him...

Annika Brindley
Jun 22, 2021
Feeding Tips For Your Distracted Baby
As babies get older, they start to become unique aware little beings. Their job is to soak everything in, learn and process what they are...

Annika Brindley
Jun 3, 2021
Tips On Introducing a Lovey To Your One Year Old
Everyone knows I love a lovey. I recommend introducing a lovey to your child when your child is at least one year old. Children deserve a...

Annika Brindley
Jun 2, 2021
Travel & Sleep - Tips For Successful Adventures With Your Baby Or Toddler
It is almost Summer! The excitement of leaving your house for the first time is palpable as you begin to emerge from your hunkered-down...

Annika Brindley
May 26, 2021
Why Limit-Setting May Not Be Working With Your Toddler
Have you read a lot of parenting books and tried many ways to set limits for your curious toddler? Do you feel like nothing is working?...

Annika Brindley
May 25, 2021
Baby Nap Challenges
So, you taught your daughter how to sleep, and it has been fantastic for a month, until now. You focused on nighttime sleep because naps...

Annika Brindley
May 19, 2021
Reconnecting With Your Partner Post-Children
Now that the kids sleep through the night, you may find that you and your partner feel kind of awkward and uncomfortable with all this...

Annika Brindley
May 11, 2021
Parenting With Awareness
A family came to me with a sleep issue with their three-year-old son. The Mother explained that she was co-sleeping and never planned to,...

Annika Brindley
Apr 25, 2021
Picky Eaters - Mealtime Tips For Toddlers And Children
Do you have a toddler who will not eat dinner? Maybe you have a baby who is not that interested in solids. Sometimes child's eating...

Annika Brindley
Apr 21, 2021
Maintaining Good Sleep Habits for Your Child in a Pandemic
Many parents are working from home, and with that can come kids running in during a Zoom or an important call! They may be constantly...

Annika Brindley
Apr 16, 2021
Tips On Knowing If Your Baby Is Teething.
Is your baby cranky because of teething? Is a tooth really coming in? Are you delaying sleep training because of teeth? I believe...

Annika Brindley
Mar 21, 2021
Are You Trying to Convince Your Child to Sleep?
Typically the more you discuss sleep with your three-year-old, the more they act out around sleep. Many parents try to convince their...

Annika Brindley
Mar 9, 2021
Your Child's Crib is Just for Sleeping
Do you put your baby in their crib to play a few times a day? I do not advise putting your child into their crib to play. There are...

Annika Brindley
Mar 4, 2021
Avoiding A Leaky Diaper While Your Baby Is Sleeping
Is your child waking up in a pool of pee with a soaking wet sleep sack because his diaper leaked? It is a real bummer when a great...

Annika Brindley
Mar 3, 2021
The Pros and Cons of The Video Monitor
Most parents have at least one to two video monitors in their baby’s nursery. Most have one above the crib. Some have one above the bed...

Annika Brindley
Feb 23, 2021
Tips On Transitioning Your Baby From A Bottle To A Cup
Have you decided it is time to transition your baby from a bottle or breastfeeding to a sippy cup? Many parents are baffled when their...

Annika Brindley
Feb 22, 2021
Should A Baby And A Toddler Share A Room?
You want your children to share a room. Space is an issue, especially since the pandemic, and you and your partner have been working from...

Annika Brindley
Feb 15, 2021
Could Your Baby's Sleep Sack Be Keeping Them Awake At Night?
Have you ever seen your baby pulling on their sleep sack when they are trying to go to sleep or when they wake up in the middle of the...
Little Sleepers Baby Sleep consultant
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