Sleep is a Learned Skill
Sleep is a necessary and essential part of a child's physical and psychological development, and it often does not magically fall into place.
We are taught that our children will be born “sleeping like a baby” or that they will figure it out quickly once they no longer need to feed during the night. When that is not the case, parents often feel that they have failed in some way or that there is something wrong with their child.
eet Annika
Global Infant, Baby and Child Sleep Consultant
Hello, I am Annika Brindley, mom of three great little sleepers, and top-rated child sleep consultant. I have a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, and I am the founder of Little Sleepers LLC, an infant and child sleep consulting practice located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
I work with families across the U.S. and globally to solve their children’s sleep challenges and help them to become more empowered parents. Working as a sleep consultant for more than 20 years, I have successfully coached parents through the process of teaching more than 1,000 babies and children to sleep.
Little Sleepers has been recognized as a top sleep consultant by Tuck Sleep and other industry leaders.

Does this sound like you?
You use crutches to get your baby to sleep, such as a pacifier, nursing, swinging, or rocking
Your child wakes frequently throughout the night and can’t settle back down
Your baby’s nap schedule is erratic
Your toddler refuses to stay in his/her bed
Your child’s bedtime routine feels never-ending
No one can put your baby to bed except for you
You have to put your baby in a stroller or drive them around to get them to sleep

The skill of sleep can be taught.
What I know for sure after 20 years of working with families is that there is an art to teaching babies and children to sleep.
Many individual factors need to come together to create a brilliant little sleeper. It is not one-size-fits-all.
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